Friday, 13 February 2015

Secrets to look photogenic in wedding pictures !!

Who doesn’t want to look picture-perfect in their wedding photos? After all, this is your big day and you cannot afford to look ‘just okay’ in them. People imagine their wedding day for entire life, so it is natural to feel jittery when it is time to strike a pose. If you want to look best then don’t go for posed shots that you don’t find comfortable. A pretentious pose where the bride and groom are gazing at each other may look cheesy and simply awkward. Tell that to your Napa wedding photographers if you don’t like them.

Now that we are speaking of awkward, never go with the ‘skinny arm’ trick. This trick is like an involuntary reflex whenever we find ourselves facing a camera. People usually raise their arm out of self-consciousness but not doing so will draw more attention towards your face and less towards the arm.

It is always good to conduct a test run about what type of makeup is supposed to be camera friendly. However, make sure to do it under multiple lightings. While taking a picture, don’t rely on your iPhone. It would be best if you can get hands on a DSLR camera and take multiple shots under multiple types of lighting. It is good to be sure that the makeup will compliment your face under all lighting types.

There is nothing your Napa wadding photographers can do about the bridal hairdo. You need to go with hairstyles that look good not only in person but in phonographs too. Sleek up-dos like a chic low bun may look good in person, but not on camera. Try to go with styles that add volume to the sides and top. Again, don’t forget to take photos of the hairdo as part of test run.

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